Ethics Consultant
Ellen M. McGee is presently an ethics consultant, offering ethics education to organizations and institutions, and lecturing widely. She also serves as a speaker for the New York State Council on the Humanities.
She is a retired adjunct professor of philosophy at Long Island University, where she taught for over twenty-five years, having previously taught at Fordham University. She founded and directed the Long Island Center for Ethics, now The Institute for Education for Social Justice. She subsequently served as Associate for Bioethics at The Long Island Center for Ethics where she coordinated the Nassau-Suffolk Health Care Ethics Network Dr. McGee received a Ph.D. and M.A. in Philosophy from Fordham University, New York and a B.A. from Marymount College, Tarrytown, New York. She teaches medical ethics, computer ethics, social work ethics, and philosophy at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and researches, lectures, and publishes in the areas of enhancement technologies, particularly implantable brain chips, and end-of-life care, suicide intervention, human rights, and reproductive issues.
Dr. McGee has been a member of both The Hospice Project and The Hospice and Alzheimer Project at the Hastings Center; she was a member of the Advisory Committee on Nursing Homes: New York State Partnership to Improve End-Of-Life Care, and has served on a Hospice Ethics Committee and both the IRB and Ethics Committees of area hospitals. She has appeared as an ethics consultant on the network news and radio and has developed, organized and presented many conferences including those on Enhancement Technologies, Good Dying, and Health Care for Diverse Communities.
Her articles and papers have been published in the Hastings Center Report, The American Journal of Bioethics, AJOB Neuroscience, and the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics; the article she coauthored in 1999 with Gerald Q. Maguire, Jr., on “Implantable Brain Chips? Time for Debate” has been anthologized and republished widely.
“Neuroethics and Implanted Brain Machine Interfaces,” Uberveillance and the Social Implications of Microchip Implants: Emerging Technologies, ed. Katina and MG Michael, forthcoming IGI Global.
“Chips ceerebrales implantables: hoy y mana”, Dendra Medica Revista de Humanidades Vol 9, Numero 2, November 2010, pp.133-138
“Es possible implantar chips cerebrales? Momento para el debate” Dendra Medica Revista de Humanidades, Vol 9, Numero 2, November 2010, pp. 139-152.
“Toward Regulating Human Enhancement Technologies.” AJOB Neuroscience April-June 2010, Vol 1. Number 2, 49-50.
“Bioelectronics and Implanted devices.” Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity, eds. Bert Gordijn , Ruth Chadwick, 2009, Springer.
“Nanomedicine: Ethical Concerns Beyond Diagnostics, Drugs, and Techniques.”The American Journal of Bioethics 2009: October, 9 (10):14-15.
“Should There Be a Law? Brain Chips” Ethical and Policy Issues.”Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, 2007 Hilary Term, Vol . 24: 81-97.
“Gender choice can be done, but is it right?” Newsday, December 11, 2005, 57.
“Becoming Borg to Become Immortal: Regulating Brain Implant Technologies.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol 16, Number 3, Summer 2007, 291-302.
“Using personal narratives to encourage organ donation.” Am J Bioeth. 2005 Fall; 5 (4):19-20.
“Altruism, Children and Nonbeneficial Research,” American Journal of Bioethics, 2003: 3(4):21.
“Response to Dennett,” Medical Ethics, Lahey Clinic, Spring 2001.
“Case Study: Strap Him Down,” Hastings Center Report, Jan.-Feb. 2001.
“Implantable Brain Chips: Ethical and Policy Issues,” Medical Ethics, Lahey Clinic, Winter, 2001.
“Ethics, Rights and International Law,” The Justice Professional, 2000, Vol. 13, pp.287-299.
“Brain Chips: Postpone the Debate “ (letter and reply) Hastings Center Report 1999 November-December; 29(6) : 4.
“Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain Chips”, Hastings Center Report, Jan- Feb., 1999.
“Case Study, Word of Mouth and Commentary” Hastings Center Report, Vol. 26, No. 4, July-August, 1996.
“Can Suicide Intervention in Hospice be Ethical” The Journal of Palliative Care, 13:1, Spring, 1997:27-33.
“Hospice Narratives of Good Dying,” Bioethics Forum, Vol.13, No. 3, Fall 1997.